How much does it cost to implement Fansmart for my organisation?

There is no cost associated with implementing or running Fansmart for your organisation. We work on a revenue share from the subscribers to your platform. We succeed only if the system works well for you

Do we have to hand over all the information on our supporters to Fansmart?

Absolutely not, and data protection laws expressly prohibit this. Subscribers will have to choose to submit their contact information on the platform

How do we prevent inappropriate services and special offers being advertised on the site?

Fansmart have a back office team that provide your brand protection and prevent this from happening. All business listings and special offers go into an admin queue where they are vetted prior to going live

What about my existing sponsors?

You can add your existing sponsors to the platform and they will then also be able to add special offers for the supporters

How do I prevent a supporter from listing a business or service that conflicts with a service offered by one of my major sponsors?

Our admin team will ensure there are no conflicts by agreeing with you which business types or sectors you do not want to be able to advertise on the Fansmart platform. Worst case scenario we remove a listing and refund the supporter

How will I know how many of my fans are subscribing

You will have access to an admin panel which will detail subscriber numbers and site revenue

How much will it cost my supporters to subscribe?

You control the annual subscription rate for your supporters via your admin panel

Is there anything else Fansmart can do for my club?

Yes – We are in discussions with several clubs about outsourcing some of the responsibilities of their commercial departments whereby Fansmart utilise an in-house telemarketing team to contact local businesses in order to get them to subscribe to the club system

If you have any other questions about how to implement Fansmart for your club please do not hesitate to contact us.